Whether an animal lover or not, many people do not realize the drastic effect we have taken on this world and the other species we live with. I see the problems our ecosystem is having, and maybe you do too, but when is that last time that you have done something small to make a change. Picking up a few pieces of trash even though it's not your own, trying to recycle, or even making the effort to try and conserve water (considering California used to be in a drought). We affect the water, the air, the land, every aspect of this planet we try to taint and we do not think about the consequences until after, that is if the big name corporations care at all. What about the other species that live here? After all, humans are not the only living creatures on this planet. We leave trash in the water where millions of life circulates, a place where we have barely discovered because it is so vast and deep, we cannot survive. So is the answer to that to let trash contaminate and consume the waters we share. Recently a Pilot Whale died on the shores of Thailand because it consumed 17 lbs. of plastic bags, mistaking them for Jellyfish. Or what about the sea turtles that choke on plastic rings used to hold sodas together. No one in their right mind would let their baby go near that for fear of choking but it's alright to toss them in a sea where they can do the same amount of damage to any animal. They're not your baby but the sea is filled with mothers and their children and we make it harder for them to live every day with the constant risk death may bring. I know that every day could mean the end of a life for a sea creature because of the dangers of predators but why increase that chance by adding plastic to that equation. Enough animals have become endangered over the century, why risk more?
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